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आई साहेब ⚡❤️ 🥰
करा मंग भाऊ फॉलो
लाईक शेअर करा मग
#nuuk gives me the most #beautiful #goodbye this #evening or #night I am #grateful #greenland #amazing #love #northernlights #instagram #instagood #instalike
Mais um dos lugares que tive oportunidade de conhecer através das minhas viagens e não postei 🎒
#tbt #greenland #iceberg #trip #shiplife #nuuk #mountains #vikings #august #2024
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Berda Larsen is Karina in Kalak 🇬🇱
"I was walking around with a shoulder rig in our Katuaq to film an event when a beautiful woman approached me, asking me if we could exchange contact. She told me that she was working on an upcoming feature film. I didn’t think much of it.
Then about a year later. at the same place, I just walked out to get some fresh air. The same woman was there with another lady, who asked me about my thoughts on Kim Leine and Kalak. That woman was Isabella Eklöf.
I`ve always been very direct; I shared my frustration about the book. I remembered being so angry when I read the first few pages. I threw it across the room, slammed it against the wall and never touched it again.
I wasn`t frustrated by it because it was "Qallunaat vs Inuit". It really was about all the disinterest towards my people within the healthcare system. Too many I have known have passed away, due to lack of attention by these healthcare workers who travel here to escape and experience “adventure” at the expense of our people.
I guess, in a way, that my response was appealing to Isabella. I have now gotten to know her. I appreciate her ability to make space for all emotions, including my frustration. I have channeled it all towards Karina, my character."
Kalak is in theaters now.
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Doesn’t everyone’s wishlist look like that this year? 🎁👀
Una lista de deseos así, ¿acaso no es lo que todos queremos este año? 🎁👀
#Christmas24 #ListaRegalos #Deseos2024 #Wishlist2024 #Nuuk #RespectfulSocks #Baltic #Petra #ColorfulStraps #KitLimpieza #LongSocks #Insoles #Plantillas #Siberias #ToteBag #ChristmasList2024
Den ULTIMATIVE julegaves guide 🎅🏼🌲
Gaveideer til ham eller hende 😁
#outddorgreenland #nuuk #christmas #julegave #bibichemnitz
Et super fint lille projekt 🫶
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❄️🎅🏻Alle Jahre wieder am 6. Januar landen Santa Claus und Mrs. Santa Claus (!) mit ihrem Helikopter in Grönlands Hauptstadt Nuuk. Nach der Landung steigen sie um in einen Pickup und lassen sich ins Stadtzentrum kutschieren. Dort werden sie von einer für grönländische Verhältnisse riesigen Menschenmenge und Horden johlender Kinder empfangen. Es ist Nikolaustag!
❄️🎅🏻Falls Ihr nicht bereits auf dem Weg nach Kopenhagen seid, um die Air Greenland Maschine nach Nuuk zu besteigen oder zufällig in New York zu Hause seid, von wo aus Nonstopflüge nach Nuuk rausgehen, bleibt Euch nur eine einzige Alternative, um rechtzeitig zum 6. Dezember Grönland-Vibes zu spüren: EISRAUSCH! ❄️🎅🏻
❄️🎅🏻#grönland #arktis #santaclausiscomingtotown #nuuk #nikolausgeschenk #eisrauschthriller #buchveröffentlichung#thrillerbooks #thrillerliebe #thrillerautor #neuerscheinung #aufbauverlag #lesetipp #climatefiction #politthriller #hörbücher #hörbuch #hörbuchempfehlung #aufbauaudio #bookstagramde #bookstagramdeutschland
Since Greenland is located in the polar climate zone, I wasn`t expecting to see an outside basketball court. While taking some photos of this unique basketball court for my website and blog, I heard a window open. The kid didn`t speak much English, but he stuck his head out the window and said to me, "1 vs. 1 basketball!" I was caught off guard.😂 I didn`t expect to be challenged to a basketball game in Greenland 😂 It was awesome to make the kid`s day by playing catch with him before I went back to the cruise port. Exploring Qaqortoq was one of the highlights of my Greenland journey. 🇬🇱 #TallBlogger
#greenland #grönland #iceberg #icebergs #glacier #glaciers #travelblogger #nuuk #qaqortoq #basketball #royalcaribbeancruise #royalcaribbean #travelblogger #cruiseblog #rvablogger #rvafoodie #rvafoodies #blacktravel #virginiablogger #traveladdict #traveldiaries #greenlandic #dmvblogger #greenlandtravel #transatlanticcruise #inspiredtravel #greenland🇬🇱 #qaqortoqgreenland #sports
🌍 Avec 20 000 habitants, Nuuk est la cité phare du Groenland. Son aéroport vient de franchir un cap important en inaugurant une piste de 2 200 mètres, prête à recevoir des avions long-courriers ! ✈️✨
👉 Découvrez-en plus sur la page Aerobuzz.
#Nuuk #Groenland #Airport #Aeroport #Innovation #Actu #News #SNTA
Pochi giorni fa un nuovo aeroporto internazionale (dotato di una pista di 2.200 metri) è stato inaugurato a Nuuk, capitale della Groenlandia. Un evento storico: per la prima volta il Paese apre di fatto le sue porte al turismo, consentendo ad aerei più grandi di collegare il territorio artico con il resto del mondo. A oggi il volo diretto è possibile solo da Copenaghen, dato che l’aeroporto si trova sotto la giurisdizione danese. Ma è solo questione di tempo e la compagnia di bandiera Air Greenland consentirà l’arrivo di turisti europei e americani. Per il prossimo giugno sono attesi due voli al giorno con partenza da New York e nel 2026 altri due aeroporti commerciali collegheranno Ilulissat a Nord e Qaqortoq a Sud del Paese.
Ciononostante, il progetto è finito per essere oggetto di dibattito nella piccola comunità groenlandese: la paura di molti è che tale ampliamento porti con sé un turismo di massa insostenibile, rischiando di compromettere gli ecosistemi, in gran parte incontaminati, presenti sul territorio. Come in tutte le cose, dovremmo ricordarci che il ‘giusto’ sta nel mezzo e soprattutto nella capacità di saper gestire al meglio una nuova opportunità, senza bollarla a priori in maniera negativa. «Il turismo potrà favorire un cambiamento significativo» ha rassicurato Anne Nivíka Grødem, amministratrice delegata dell’ente turistico Visit Greenland. «Si tratta solo di trovare l’equilibrio tra opportunità locali, tendenze di mercato e aspirazioni umane».
Di claudiaburgio_
#Groenlandia #Greenland #Nuuk #Turismo
🇬🇱❄️ Akurát som čítal o tom, že v hlavnom meste Grónska, Nuuku, dokončili rozšírenie dráhy letiska. Teraz je možné tam letieť priamo z Kodane a čoskoro otvoria aj lety z New Yorku.
Grónsko som navštívil dvakrát, a vždy to bola nekonečná a drahá cesta s viacerými prestupmi a prespávaním na vojenskej základni v Kangerlussuaqu. Dnes sa do Nuuku dostanete rýchlo – stačí jediný prestup v Kodani alebo na Islande ✈️
ALE….táto novinka ma nepotešila. Možno som trochu sebecký, no mám pocit, že Grónsko sa v priebehu nasledujúcich 10 rokov stane mainstreamovou destináciou, podobne ako Island. Tam si už miestni na množstvo turistov začínajú sťažovať.
💙 Grónsko je pre mňa srdcovka, takmer osobná záležitosť, a predstava, že tam začnú chodiť davy ľudí, ma trochu desí 🙄❄️ Na druhej strane, tento krok určite pomôže miestnej ekonomike a celkovému rozvoju.
Máte aj vy nejaké miesto, ktoré milujete a najradšej by ste boli, keby o ňom nikto nevedel?
#greenland #nuuk #kangerlussuaq
#ilulissat #icefjord #gronsko #tuukkaq
Direct flights to Nuuk, Greenland have started. Put it on your bucket list for sure
#greenland #nuuk #sunset #sunsetlovers #fiord #fjord #arcticcircle #winterescape #travel #travelling #travelgram #traveler #travelawesome
Har du nogensinde hørt et isbjerg glide forbi? Eller duftet friskbrygget kaffe til en ægte grønlandsk kaffemik? Og hvad med følelsen af at se pukkelhvaler boltre sig i det fri? Alt dette – og mere til – kan du opleve på dit livs Grønlandseventyr 🌍🐋
risskov_rejser har meldt sig på banen og tilbyder nu også rejser til Grønland med direkte afrejse fra Aalborg Lufthavn 🛫
Læs mere om rejsen til Grønland med Risskov Rejser via link i bio ❤️
#aalborg #lufthavn #aalborglufthavn #aalborgairport #airport #rejseinspiration #sommer2025 #grønland #nuuk
Disse 9 striktrøjer er noget helt særligt 🧶 – hver og én er designet ud fra de smukke nuilarmiut (perlekraver)på nationaldragten, som mine kunder har sendt mig 🇬🇱
🌊 Mønstrene varierer ikke kun fra kyst til kyst, men også fra familie til familie.
Jeg elsker at bringe de traditionelle perlemønstre til live i mine designs og se, hvordan de får nyt liv i strik 🧵✨❤️
Tak til alle, der har bestilt og delt deres historier med mig – det betyder alverden! 🌟
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Explore Nuuk Fiord – with Nuuk Water Taxi
Link in bio – to book your next adventure🛥️
#nuuk #nuukwatertaxi
Les japonais s’achètent une virginité en balançant des millions d’euros dans nos entreprises et notre dette nationale, du coup nos politiques oublient leur courage aux vestiaires ! Le gouvernement a tenu moins longtemps que Paul Watson en prison ! Avant de partir jeannoelbarrot et agnespanierrunacher faites un coup qui pourrait redorer votre blason, obtenez la nationalité Française poyr Paul Watson #FreePaulWatson Emmanuel Macron Mette Frederiksen Saskia Bricmont EmmaFourreau Paul Moisson Hugo
seashepherdfrance #seashepherd
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Por primera vez, la capital de Groenlandia, cuenta con una terminal comercial para vuelos procedentes de Europa y América del Norte. Hasta el momento, se usaba la pista de una base militar.
Con una pista de 2.200 metros, el nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de Nuuk (GOH) puede recibir vuelos de larga distancia. Fue inaugurado el jueves de la semana pasada. Los viajeros ya no tienen que hacer escala en Kangerlussuaq, la antigua base militar estadounidense que era el único aeropuerto con capacidad para vuelos de larga distancia en Groenlandia hasta ahora.
Air Greenland, la compañía local, va a utilizar el nuevo aeropuerto como base para sus vuelos locales y un servicio internacional hasta Copenhague, la capital de Dinamarca. Del mismo modo, la aerolínea islandesa Icelandair aterrizará en la nueva pista, desde su hub de Keflavík. A partir del verano de 2025, United Airlines ofrecerá dos vuelos semanales entre Nueva York-Newark y Nuuk, y SAS tres vuelos semanales entre Copenhague y Nuuk.
Para la oficina de turismo local VisitGreenland, la apertura del aeropuerto internacional de Nuuk contribuirá a aumentar el número de visitantes extranjeros. En 2023, Groenlandia recibió a 76.000 visitantes. El 99 % de ellos llegó a bordo de cruceros. La isla obtuvo unos ingresos por turismo de 250 millones de euros (el 10 % de su PIB).
Publicado en Réport News.
#turismo #GuidoCalderon #viajes #turístico #nuuk #dinamarca #groenlandia #aeropuerto #vuelos
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Air Greenlands historic first flight from Denmark to its capital Nuuk took off and I was part of this very special flight. An aviation adventure we all won’t forget and a great moment for the nation! #greenland #nuuk #joshcahill #gotravelyourway #aviation
🔺 According to Aeroroutes, Air Greenland will wet-lease two Boeing 737-800 aircraft from Jettime and Airseven to expand its European services.
🔺 The airline will deploy these aircraft to operate twice-weekly flights from Kangerlussuaq (SFJ) to Copenhagen and Nuuk (GOH), starting 17 March. This route was previously served by the Airbus A330-800neo.
🔺 Additionally, the aircraft will be used for flights from Nuuk to Billund (BLL) and Aalborg (AAL), beginning on 1 April and 12 June, respectively.
🔺 Air Greenland is the national flag airline of Greenland. The airline operates a fleet of a single A330-800neo and Dash 8-200.
📸 Photo by JetPhotos [Aaron Vancoilie] & Xplane [stvnmth]
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