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Se de mange gode minder og del dine egne. Brug hashtaggene #nuuk, #nuuknu, #herefordnuuk, #skylinebarnuuk, #cafeXnuuk, #Sarfalik og #Sarfalikrestaurant
BODY – HIGH WAIST TRUSSER – STRING – SHAPE UNDERKJOLER. Kom ind og se de forskellige styles.
Hvis du skal til fest i løbet af foråret så er det godt at være klar.
#shapewear #shape #brorogsøster #brorogsøsternuuk #handellokaltinuuk #nuuk #grønland #greenland
Factos em Manchete. Eleições na região autónoma dinamarquesa da Gronelândia após as intenções expansionistas de D. Trump :/ March 10 (Reuters) – Greenland, a semi-autonomous territory of Denmark, will hold a parliamentary election on March 11 with independence a key campaign theme after U.S. President Donald Trump said he wants control over the world’s biggest island. (…) The island has a rich but largely untapped supply of resources, including ample rare earth minerals.
Trump sees Greenland’s strategic location as the shortest route from Europe to North America as vital for the U.S. ballistic missile warning system. (Reuters) #illustration #illustration #illustrator #nuuk #drawings #ink #inkillustration #designgrafico #politico #illustrator #ilustration #ilustration #inkdrawings #inklusion #graphic #pencildrawing #ink #illustrate #ilustración #politics #press #newyorkermagazine #newyorker #greenland #denmark #election #ink #watercolor mynuuk #illustrations #illustrate #illustrationartists #artillustration #artwork #artwork #artillustrations #illustrations #illustrationartists #illustracion #illustrazioni
(dansk længere nede)
Uanni akeqanngitsumik inatsisitigut ikiortinnissaq periarfissaavoq, akiliisinnaassutsit annikippat ilinnut periarfissatsialaavoq.
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Læs mere om betingelserne her: https://www.adv-dahl.gl/retshjlp
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Vores fly ud af Nuuk blev aflyst, så vi må bruge lidt mere tid på sightseeing, og det kan altså også noget – særligt når solen kigger lidt frem for første gang i 4 dage 💯🌥️🗻 #nuuk #myggedalen #hheexpress
Fantastic #Nuuk – amazing #Greenland, interesting and fascinating #culture
Definitely not the last time I am here❤️ So much more to see!!! visitgreenland
Nyt fra Butter Goods 💚
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🌍✨ **Groenlandia en el punto de mira**: Las elecciones parlamentarias en la isla más grande del mundo están generando un fervor independentista sin precedentes, exacerbado por los recientes comentarios de Donald Trump sobre su interés en anexionarla a EE.UU. 🇺🇸❌ Con un potencial económico inmenso y un 85% de la población en contra de la anexión, los groenlandeses están listos para definir su futuro en un momento crucial. ¿Cómo responderá la nación a estos desafíos? 🗳️🤔
🔍 **¿Qué opinas?** ¿Es hora de que Groenlandia tome las riendas de su destino? ¡Déjanos tu pensamiento en los comentarios! 💬👇
#Groenlandia #Independencia #Elecciones2023 #Trump #Autogobierno #PolíticaInternacional #Cambio #Futuro #PuebloInuit #RecursosNaturales #Votación #Desafíos #SelfDetermination #Nuuk
🌍✨ ¡Elecciones históricas en Groenlandia! 🇬🇱 Con un 85% de la población en contra de la anexión a EE.UU. y un creciente fervor por la independencia, el futuro político de esta hermosa isla está en juego. Desde jóvenes como Inunnguaq, que votan por primera vez, hasta figuras políticas en ascenso, la voz de Groenlandia resuena más fuerte que nunca. 🔥
A medida que exploran sus vastos recursos como minerales y petróleo, la pregunta que todos se hacen es: ¿hasta dónde llegarán para alcanzar la autodeterminación? 🗳️💪
👉 ¿Qué opinas sobre el futuro de Groenlandia?
#Groenlandia #Independencia #Elecciones2023 #CulturaInuit #RecursosNaturales #CambioPolítico #VotoJoven #Nuuk #VoiceOfGreenland
Narsaq/Nuuk, February 2025
#greenland #elections #trump #mining #denmark #nuuk #politics #documentaryphotography #visualstorytelling #fujifilm #nikon #experimentalphotography
Experience the magic of the Arctic with Northern Lights and Whale tattoo! Book your appointment now at Nuuk Tattoo Nirvana. 😊
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Now serving, freshly krüshed kiwis for the champions 🥝😉✨
#Nuuk #ChampionsTrophy #Cricket #Champions #SmoothieBlender #Krush
Another one from Greenland
#greenland #trip #work #adventure #ice #winter #nuuk #goldenhour #sun #metalhead
3月11日 火曜日 11:00〜16:00 OPEN
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L`INUITE : ce 16 mai, sortira aux editionspoints, au format poche, mon "INUITE" parue l`an dernier aux éditions lamartiniere.litterature. Comme chaque reprise, cela me touche bien sûr, mais cette sortie résonne un peu plus fort encore que les autres. La raison ? Sa couverture. Pourquoi ? Parce que pour la première fois (et sans doute la dernière, ce n`est pas mon métier) je suis l`auteur de la photo utilisée, prise il y a tout juste deux ans par votre serviteur, sur la banquise au large de Kullorsuaq, alors que je préparais ma "Mélancolie de l`ours polaire" (ed. Paulsen). 🇬🇱
Bref, il y a décidément beaucoup de moi (et de mes orteils gelés) dans cette édition-ci 😅🙏
Durasi Puasa Terpanjang di Dunia Ramadan 2025
Hai Kawan Swara yang beriman,
Ramadan 2025 membawa fakta menarik tentang durasi puasa di berbagai negara. Beberapa wilayah di dunia harus menjalani puasa dengan durasi yang sangat panjang karena perbedaan waktu siang dan malam. Berikut adalah daftar negara dengan durasi puasa terpanjang:
Nuuk, Greenland: 16 jam 31 menit (03.40 – 20.11 waktu setempat)
Reykjavik, Islandia: 16 jam 29 menit (03.42 – 20.11 waktu setempat)
Helsinki, Finlandia: 15 jam 36 menit (03.20 – 18.56 waktu setempat)
Fenomena ini terjadi karena posisi geografis negara-negara tersebut yang berada di dekat kutub, di mana siang hari berlangsung lebih lama selama musim semi dan musim panas.
Bagi umat Muslim di wilayah ini, tantangan puasa menjadi lebih berat, namun semangat dan keimanan tetap menjadi kekuatan utama dalam menjalani ibadah ini. Ramadan selalu menjadi momen untuk memperkuat kesabaran, keikhlasan, dan solidaritas antar sesama.
#Ramadan2025 #DurasiPuasa #PuasaTerpanjang #Nuuk #Reykjavik #Helsinki #SwaraBalikpapan #BeritaKaltim #FaktaRamadan #IbadahPuasa #Keimanan #Solidaritas #MuslimDunia #PuasaRamadan #InspirasiRamadan #BeritaBalikpapan #Kaltim #PuasaGlobal #FenomenaAlam #KutubUtara #RamadanBerkah
Sumber berita: Visi News, Detik News.
🖤Det ER LOVE❤️
🖤De her smukke søde fine ankel strømper med hjerter, kan man ikke andet end at elske. De er ONESIZE med “forstærket tå” og koster kun 75,- KR for alle de hjerter🖤. De findes i de 2 farver der vist på billederne.
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Stormly weather Nuuk 09. march 2025
#greenland #nuuk #storm #water #ice #icebergs #winter #cold #storm
Greenland is preparing for the March 11 general election in Nuuk, March 2025.
reuters / mdjurica #greenland #nuuk
Къщи осветяват старото пристанище на Нуук, Гренландия.
Идентичността на коренното население се възражда в Гренландия преди парламентарните избори на 11 март, свикани след като президентът на САЩ Доналд Тръмп заяви, че иска да придобие стратегически разположения арктически остров.
Интересът на Тръмп разклати статуквото и в съчетание с нарастващата гордост на инуитите накара някои местни жители да възприемат вота като исторически шанс да освободят Гренландия от датското влияние.
Гренландия, чието население е малко и се разпростира на площ около три пъти по-голяма от тази на Тексас, е автономна територия в рамките на Кралство Дания и може да избере пълна независимост чрез референдум.
Снимка: Reuters
#dnevnikbg #dnevnikphoto #houses #light #nuuk #harbor #greenland #election #избори #гренландуя #нуук #къщи
Greenland prepares for its general elections on March 11, 2025, with key debates and discussions shaping the future of the 31-member Inatsisartut. #GreenlandElections #Inatsisartut #Nuuk #Election2025 #AnewZ
Due primarily to climate change, about 1,000 gigatons of meltwater runs off Greenland’s ice sheets every year, about the same as flows through the Amazon River. Using AI to visualize what it may look like.
#greenland #arctic #nuuk #ilulissat #greenlandic #articcircle #glacier #permafrost #wilderness #climateaction #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #landscapephoto #midjourneyart #generativeart #aiartwork
mynuuk has been founded by Gazal Kalra (co-founder Rivigo) and Shalabh Gupta (Noise), Nuuk provides products in four categories: fans, vacuum cleaners, garment care, and juicers and blenders. Currently, Nuuk manufactures only 20% of its products in India, while the remaining 80% are imported from China. However, co-founder Shalabh Gupta stated that the startup aims to produce over 50% of its products in India by the end of the financial year 2025-26 (FY26).
D2C home appliances brand Nuuk has raised $5 million (Rs 40 crore) in a Series A funding round led by Vertex Ventures SEAI. The round also saw participation from existing investor Good Capital and angel investors such as Rohit Kapoor (Swiggy), Vivek Gambhir (Boat and Godrej Consumer), Richard Rekhy (KPMG India), Suhail Sameer (BharatPe), Taru Kapoor (Tinder India & South Asia), and Deep Bajaj (Sirona Hygiene. The proceeds will be used to deepen its product portfolio across the home environment, vacuum cleaners, and meal preparation, while also expanding into smart IoT devices and other high-performance home solutions. Besides its own website, Nuuk also sells its products via e-commerce marketplaces. Nuuk competes against the likes of Philips, Bajaj, Atomberg, LifeLong Group, among others. #funding #fundraising #fundingnews #businessnews #startups #Nuuk #fundingalert #startupindia #thestartuptrends #startupnews #startupnewsindia
Kager fra Maia’s fødselsdags kaffemik sidste weekend 🎂🍰🧁🇬🇱 #dattersfødselsdag #kaffemik #20år #elskeratbage #hjemmebagt #nuuk
Can’t get enough of icebergs. Some more shots of Nuuk’s oceanfront. Have you seen my YT video about Greenland’s capital?
#nuuk #greenland #travel
#nuuktattoonirvana #tattoostudio #nuuk #greenland #tattoo #blackandgreytattoo #healedtattoo
Greenland votes in legislative elections on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 following a campaign largely focused on when — not if — to cut ties with Denmark without falling into the clutches of the United States.
President Donald Trump’s at-times threatening remarks about seizing Greenland have lent fresh momentum to the self-governing territory’s independence movement.
The issue of independence has featured predominantly in the campaign, alongside education, social affairs, fisheries — which account for 90 percent of the vast Arctic island’s exports — and tourism.
Almost all the parties represented in parliament support the idea of full sovereignty for the massive ice-covered island, 50 times the size of Denmark yet 100 times less populated.
While visible on the streets, the social woes are even more glaring in the statistics: Greenland has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, more abortions than births and a life expectancy for men under 70 years.
AFP PHOTO/Odd ANDERSEN #greenland #nuuk #arctic #vote #independence #election #cold #afp #afpphoto #oddandersen #oddman1969
Nella baia di #Nuuk vedi il ghiaccio del fiordo vicino che va già verso il mare aperto del’Oceano, distaccatosi con mesi d’anticipo rispetto al normale
#Nuuk, capitale della #Groenlandia conta meno di 18mila abitanti ma è la città più popolosa di quest’isola da 2 milioni di km quadrati, la più grande del mondo, che ne ospita in tutto 58mila
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