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Nuuk hanımın da bi orta sehpası olmasın mı 😁🤟🏽🏍️🛣️
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Wearing dazzling chicandholland ♥️
🌟 Miss Grand Greenland 2024 – Naja Mathilde Rosing naja.marosi
🌟 Dress: chicandholland
🌟 Tan:
🌟 Miss Greenland Organization / President: Lisa Lents missgreenland_official lisalents
#MissGrandGreenland2024 #MissGrandInternational2024 #NajaMathildeRosing #Nuuk#MGI2024 #WeAreGRANDthe1andOnly #MGI #NuukCouture #WeAre2Gether #MissGreenland #MissGrønland #MissKalaallitNunaat #MissGreenlandOrganization #MissGrønlandOrganisation #NationalDirectorLisaLents
It’s been a while since I’ve posted – I’ve been a bit busy as I’m running a marathon in Greenland next week, in a small town called Uummannaq (not that I haven’t constantly gone on about it)
I’m here in Nuuk exploring the town for a little bit before flying up further for the race.
#greenland #nuuk #nuukphotography #icebergs #nuukgreenland #travel #solotrip #glacier
Noticing the little things 🙏👌 🇬🇱 guidetogreenland visitgreenland visitnuuk tripadvisor #nuuk #greenland #kayak #culture #happiness #beauty #outdoor #peaceful
66 North forret og vandtæt heldragt og Messy Weekend goggles ❄️
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Street photography in Nuuk 🇬🇱
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#REPOST mapsofeurope with get__repost__app Which path you believe to be best for Greenland?
#greenland #denmark #election #europe #northamerica #trump #nuuk #politics #geopolitics #independence #kingdom #infographic #separatist #nordic #colonialism #vote #arctic w download_repost_pro #repostios #repostw10
Forget Five-Star Hotels—This View Deserves a Million-Star Ranking.
While the rest of the world stares at screens, here, the northern lights put on a show right above you. In summer, the sun barely sets, leaving the fjords bathed in golden light for nearly 24 hours. But come autumn and winter, the long nights bring out Greenland’s most famous spectacle—the aurora borealis, dancing in waves of green, purple, and even rare red.
At our Kiattua camp, days are spent foraging for wild herbs, swimming between icebergs, or hiking across these towering landscapes. Evenings slow down by the fire, where char sizzle on the grill, and the warmth of a hot tub melts away the cold. It`s the Arctic at its most raw.
#NomadGreenland #CampKiattua #CampSaqqaq
All set to leave the nest. Your house next? 😉 Unpacking our packaging process 📦🚀
#Nuuk #BTS #PackagingDesign #ProductPackaging
#greenland #nuuk covering an election that could shape the future of the semi autonomous territory. Trump wants it by all means. Never been so much attention for the worlds largest Island.
Unbelievable landscapes, freezing temperatures with winds that made it hard to walk around at times. But what an experience. #groenland
Ten widok zabieram ze sobą na całe życie #greenland #grønland #grenlandia #nuuk #icefjord #isfjord #vacation
#politics #politicstherightway #greenland #arcticocean #USA #maga #makeamericagreatagain #trump2024 #trump2025 #donaldtrump #kamalaharris #timwalz #USA #denmark #danish #democrats #republicans #kamalaharris #timwalz #china #russia #netherlands #DanishKrone #nuuk
📱🌍 Contactando con Groenlandia 🌍📱
El alumnado de quinto de primaria está investigando sobre la importancia del Ártico, una región clave para el equilibrio climático del planeta. ❄️
Como parte de esta actividad, hemos tenido la oportunidad de contactar con Jorge, descendiente de Mallén, y su pareja Iki, quienes viven en Nuuk (Groenlandia).
Hemos conocido de primera mano cómo es la vida en el Ártico, los desafíos a los que se enfrentan las comunidades locales, su biodiversidad 🐻❄️🦊🐋, la cultura inuit 🏕️ y la forma en que han adaptado sus tradiciones al entorno.
Muchas gracias por esta enriquecedora experiencia. 💙
#ContactandoConGroenlandia #tallerártico #concienciaclimática #nuuk #groenlandia #explorandoelártico #cuidemoselplaneta
🫡 Trust the timing in your life 🫶🏼🌅 🧡 #จงเชื่อในจังหวะชีวิต #sunset #sunsetvibes #iceberg #nuuk #grønland 🇬🇱
Amazing evening! I have missed the cold water ❄️ Saunagus in Nuuk is hard to beat💪🏻
#Nuuk #Greenland #coldplunge #winter #ice #snow #saunagus #visitgreenland
VI ER SLET IKKE BANGE FOR AT HÆNGE VORES VASKETØJ TIL TØRRE😅….så længe det er så flot som alle disse CHANTELLE PULPIES trusser som vi kører en kampagne på lige nu.
2 STK. FOR 150,- Kr. XS-2XL.
Pulpies’ budskab er »Naked. Almost. (med understregning af »næsten nøgen«-effekten).
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«Gli elettori vogliono un cambiamento e noi vogliamo uno sviluppo economico per finanziare il nostro welfare. Non vogliamo l’indipendenza domani, ma bisogna costruire delle buone fondamenta» ha dichiarato Jens-Frederik Nielsen, leader del Demokraatit, che sostengono l’autonomia dalla Danimarca ma sottolineando la necessità di come questa deve avvenire in maniera graduale.
🇬🇧“The voters want change and we want economic development to finance our welfare. We don’t want independence tomorrow, but we need to build a good foundation,’ said Jens-Frederik Nielsen, leader of the Demokraatit, who support autonomy from Denmark but emphasised that this must be done gradually.
#nuuk #demokraatit #news #groenland #politics #election #eurocomunicazione
Greenland voted on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, in legislative elections that could yield a timeline for independence for the Danish self-governing territory coveted by US President Donald Trump.
Trump, determined to take control of the vast Arctic Island «one way or the other», tried until the last minute to influence the vote, sparking astonishment, rejection, and, to a small degree, enthusiasm among the 57,000 Greenlanders, most of whom favour independence. AFP PHOTO/Odd ANDERSEN #greenland #nuuk #vote #election #denmark #usa #independence #iceberg #arctic #island #afp #afpphoto #oddandersen #oddman1969
Which path you believe to be best for Greenland?
#greenland #denmark #election #europe #northamerica #trump #nuuk #politics #geopolitics #independence #kingdom #infographic #separatist #nordic #colonialism #vote #arctic
Tillykke med valget til #Demokraatit og #NALERAQ
Jeg må ærlig indrømme at jeg har det lidt ligesom Dan Turell og holder faktisk af hverdagen, så tak for ikke at give mig et mandat til Inatsisartut selvom det er min næststørste drøm. Jeg havde en drøm, men den blev knust, som æggeskaller, ja! Æggeskaller. Cé la vie, og det går nok alligevel.
Over and out.
Ps. Jeg kæmper stadig for flere fængsler og strengere straffe til voldsforbrydere og krænkelser. Jeg kæmper fortsat for at øge velfærden og sidst men ikke mindst for at uddanne befolkningen ✔️
#inatsisartut2025 #grønland #nuuk #Siumut
La #Groenlandia ha scelto il suo nuovo Parlamento sotto gli occhi del mondo.
Mai il rinnovo della piccola Camera di #Nuuk – appena 31 membri per 57mila abitanti – aveva avuto così tanta attenzione internazionale, e il motivo è presto detto: l’isola di ghiaccio, parte del Regno di #Danimarca in virtù del suo passato coloniale, è nelle mire di Donald #Trump fin dal suo insediamento. “Penso che la faremo nostra in un modo o nell’altro”, ha ripetuto il 4 marzo di fronte al #Congresso, senza escludere l’uso della forza. A far gola al presidente USA, oltre alla straordinaria ricchezza mineraria, è la posizione strategica della Groenlandia per i nuovi equilibri globali.
Anche per questo, l’affluenza è stata da record – l’apertura dei seggi è stata prolungata di mezz’ora -, mentre il risultato ha smentito ogni pronostico: a trionfare è stata l’opposizione “pro-business” di centro-destra. I grandi partiti di sinistra, che si sono alternati al governo fin dalla nascita del Parlamento, nel 1979, hanno subito una sconfitta storica.
Le due formazioni più votate, però, hanno idee diverse sui modi e sui tempi dell’indipendenza da #Copenaghen. Determinante, quindi, sarà la coalizione che costruirà il probabile futuro premier, il giovane leader dei Democratici Jens-Frederik #Nielsen, peraltro il candidato più duro verso il presidente #USA.
Quasi tutte le forze in campo, in ogni caso, si dichiarano autonomiste, il che potrebbe favorire le ambizioni di Trump. Ma è davvero possibile, allo stato attuale, l’indipendenza dalla Danimarca e dal suo sostegno economico?
Il mondo di #InMezzora
Dank neuem Flughafen in Nuuk bekommst du aktuell Nonstop-Flüge nach Grönland für nur 515€ inklusive Aufgabegepäck. Du kannst mit perfekten Flugzeiten in Kopenhagen oder Billund starten. Zur besten Reisezeit im Sommer #greenland #grönland #reisetipps #urlaub #günstig #nuuk #airgreenland
JIKA di Murmansk, Rusia, menjadi bagian dunia yang durasi puasa Ramadannya paling singkat yaitu hanya satu jam dari waktu sahur sampai berbuka, maka ada juga bagian dunia lainnya yang waktu berpuasanya paling lama. Bahkan, ada yang sampai 17,5 jam.
Hal ini disebabkan adanya perbedaan panjang waktu siang dan malam di berbagai belahan dunia menyebabkan waktu puasa bisa sangat berbeda mulai dari yang paling singkat hingga yang paling lama.
Berikut adalah beberapa negara yang memiliki durasi puasa terlama di dunia:
1. Helsinki, Finlandia. Umat Muslim di Helsinki berpuasa selama 17,5 jam. Dengan waktu siang yang panjang di wilayah utara ini, mereka harus menahan lapar dan dahaga dalam waktu yang cukup lama hingga waktu berbuka tiba.
2. Nuuk, Greenland. Di Nuuk ibukota Greenland waktu puasa mencapai 17 jam. Meskipun populasi Muslim di daerah ini relatif kecil mereka menjalani puasa dengan tekad yang kuat di tengah kondisi cuaca yang dingin.
3. Glasgow, Skotlandia. Umat Muslim di Glasgow menjalankan puasa selama 16,5 jam. Sebagai salah satu negara di bagian utara Eropa, durasi siang hari di Skotlandia lebih panjang dibandingkan negara-negara di garis khatulistiwa.
4. Ottawa, Kanada. Di ibu kota Kanada waktu puasa mencapai 16 jam. Durasi ini cukup panjang terutama di musim panas ketika matahari terbenam lebih lambat.
5. Reykjavik, Islandia. Islandia juga menjadi salah satu negara dengan waktu puasa terlama, yaitu 16 jam. Dengan lokasinya yang dekat dengan Kutub Utara, waktu siang bisa berlangsung sangat panjang selama musim panas.
Perbedaan durasi puasa ini disebabkan oleh posisi geografis dan musim di masing-masing negara. Negara-negara di dekat kutub mengalami perubahan panjang siang dan malam yang ekstrem, sementara negara di sekitar garis khatulistiwa memiliki durasi siang dan malam yang relatif seimbang sepanjang tahun. (
#waktupuasa #puasaterlama #puasa #ramadan #murmansk #helsinki #finlandia #nuuk #greendland #glasgow #skotlandia #ottawa #kanada #reykjavik #islandia #kanalidn
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NUUK FŌLDE- Some assembly required here but breeze? Built-in! 💨😉
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Anxiety 😂 powiem Wam, że mknąć przez fjord wypełniony lodem z prędkością 25 węzłów przysparzało mnie początkowo o niewielki niepokój 😂 mając przy boku syna który co chwila napominał historię Titanica😂🙈
Ale po w miarę krótkim czasie, kontrola jaką miała załoga nad poruszaniem się i nawigowaniem między górami lodowymi uspokoiła mnie całkowicie.
Doświadczenia i przeżycie nie do opisania…widoki zapierające dech w piersiach – no i tak naprawdę coś czego nie zobaczy się w wielu miejscach na ziemi.
#Grenlandia skradła moje serce na zawsze.
Wycieczka drugim co do wielkości fjordem na Grenlandii – 160 km długości i dochodzi do 800 m głębokości.
Fjord spełnia ważną rolę dla Nuuk a także słynie z niepowtarzalnego arktycznego krajobrazu i bogatej fauny morskiej…
#visitgreenland #greenland #grønland #nuuk #fjord #godthåb #godthåbsfjorden #nuukwatertaxi #odwiedźgrenlandię #travle #discoverearth #discovergreenland #icebergs #isbjerge #górylodowe
Elezioni Groenlandia: vince il partito di centrodestra Demokraatit
Con il 29,9% di voti in favore il partito di centro destra liberale Demokraatit (Democratici) ha vinto le elezioni legislative della Groenlandia, confermando un cambiamento radicale rispetto alla tradizionale leadership dei partiti di sinistra e degli indipendentisti più radicali.
Si tratta delle elezioni più seguite e importanti nella storia dell’Isola dato che al centro del dibattito politico i partiti si sono concentrati sulla questione dell’indipendenza dalla Danimarca, a cui appartiene, in un momento storico cruciale che la vede anche nel mirino del presidente vicino Donald Trump per “questioni strategiche” tanto da averne proposto l’acquisto. (Anche se gli interessi americani verso la Groenlandia fondano le origini nel passato: già nel lontano 1867 il segretario di Stato William H. Seward, lo stesso che aveva appena concluso l’acquisto dell’Alaska dalla Russia zarista provò ad avviare, fallendo, le trattative con la Danimarca).
🇬🇧Greenland elections: centre-right party Demokraatit wins
With 29.9 per cent of the vote in favour, the liberal centre-right party Demokraatit (Democrats) won Greenland’s parliamentary elections, confirming a radical change from the traditional leadership of the left-wing parties and the more radical independents.
These were the most closely watched and important elections in the island’s history, as the parties focused their political debate on the issue of independence from Denmark, to which it belongs, at a crucial historical moment that also sees it in the crosshairs of neighbouring President Donald Trump for ‘strategic issues’ to the extent that he has proposed its purchase. (Although American interests in Greenland have their origins in the past: as far back as 1867, Secretary of State William H. Seward, the same man who had just concluded the purchase of Alaska from Tsarist Russia tried, and failed, to start negotiations with Denmark).
News at 🔗Link in bio
#nuuk #groenland #demokraatti #demokratit #politics #eurocomunicazione
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